Get Online with Certified Web Development Services
VerveLogic is one of the leading Website development companies thriving in central urban sphere of Jaipur, India. We are supported by over hundreds of technical warlocks capable of developing an online sales mill as well as revamping your current existence. Having an expert clutch on latest technologies, we are committed to catering various Web development services in 70+ countries around the Globe.
  • Quick Requirement Analysis
  • Appealing Designs & Clean Coding
  • Custom & Tailor-made Solutions
  • Mobile Responsive Websites
  • Fast Loading Websites
  • Economical Solutions
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Technologies we Worked with
Areas of Expertise

We have an immense experience of serving Tours and Travels, Apparel, On-demand Services, Medical, Chemical, Manufacturing, Real-estate, Oil & Gas, Energy & Utilities, Food & Beverages, Non-profit, Media & Entertainment, Education, Retail & Ecommerce as well several other B2B and B2C Industries.

Some of other special capabilities comprise of portal, responsive cross-platform web apps, desktop apps, social networking systems, corporate web & online store development.

Client Testimonials

Our Portfolio
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Our Clients
Our clients praise us for our nice results, attractive service, professional data and on-time delivery. Here are some of them had to say:
  • Our Clients
  • Our Clients
  • Our Clients
  • Our Clients
  • Our Clients
  • Our Clients
  • Our Clients
  • Our Clients
  • Our Clients
  • Our Clients
  • Our Clients
  • Our Clients
Quick Guide on our Process
Discuss your Requirements

This stage covers a detailed discussion on our requirements with our team followed by discovering and researching about technicals aspects. Provide us an overview on the goal, purpose and target market of the business for us to develop the best strategy. This discussion would be carried out on any medium of communication the client is comfortable at.

Sitemap & Wireframing

Our team of developers start with the brain storming over the requirements and create a sitemap to understand the inner structure of to-be-website.

Design Layouts, User Interface Development and Approval Cycle Graphical sketches, designs and the whole functional front end of the website is built at this stage on continuous approval from client. The final designs are sent for UI development to demonstrate the navigation and represent the structure.


The development of the website is carried out at this stage taking in scope the Frameworks and CMS implementation.

Testing & Launch

Server uploading is done with deployment of all the files after testing the website on demo URLs.


The website goes under free maintenance after successful launch ensuring instant bug fixing (if any) for a specific period of time.

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